2023-2024 Budget Information

Welcome to the Wantagh UFSD 2023-2024 budget information webpage.


Voting information is available here

Sample Ballot


Links on this page will become active as information becomes available. 

This page is designed to provide Wantagh School District residents with budget information in a transparent manner. The budget that is discussed initially is one that is prepared by district administrators with direction from the Board of Education. However, with Board and community input, the Board of Education formally adopts the final budget to be presented to the voters.


Please check back as the information contained on this webpage will change as the budget development progresses. 


Questions about the budget may be addressed to any of the following:

Mr. John McNamara, Superintendent of Schools


Mr. Anthony Cedrone, Asst. Supt. for Business


Board of Education



Budget Vote and Trustee Election

Tuesday May 16, 2023     

7am-9pm - District Elementary schools


Budget Hearing

Thursday, May 4, 2023       

8pm - HS Auditorium


Prior Meetings:

Public Budget Forum #1        

Monday, March 6, 2023     

7pm - HS Cafeteria

Recording of Meeting

Slide Presentation


Public Budget Forum #2        

Monday, March 20, 2023   

7pm - HS Cafeteria


Recording of Meeting

Slide Presentation



Public Budget Forum #3

Monday, April 3, 2023       

7pm - HS Cafeteria

Recording of Meeting

Slide Presentation


Public Budget Forum #4

Tuesday, April 4, 2023     

10am - Wantagh Public Library

Budget Adoption (Regular board meeting)


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

8pm - HS Auditorium

Budget Hearing (Regular board meeting)


Thursday, May 4, 2023       

8pm - HS Auditorium




The proposed 2023-24 budget, Version 3, totals $89,497,546.

  • This represents a $4,515,934 or a 5.31% change from the prior year. 


The estimated tax levy for 2032-24, to support the expenditure budget above, currently totals  $65,275,383.

  • This represents a $1,633,681 or 2.57% change from the prior year. 
  • This tax levy amount is within the tax cap.



 The calculated maximum allowable tax levy for 2023-24 (the "tax cap") is $65,275,926.

  • This represents a $1,634,224 or 2.57% change from the prior year. 



PROPOSITION 1: 2023-2024 BUDGET    

Residents will be asked to vote on the 2023-2024 budget. Details of the proposed budget can be found on this web page.



“Shall the Board of Education of the Wantagh Union Free School District be authorized to expend funds from the Capital Reserve Fund which was established on May 15, 2018 (“Reserve Fund”) pursuant to Education Law §3651, for the following capital improvement projects: replacement of the athletic scoreboard on the football field at Wantagh High School; certain roof replacements at Wantagh Elementary and Wantagh Middle/High school buildings; exterior door replacements at Forest Lake, Mandalay and Wantagh Middle/High school buildings; ceiling and lighting replacement at Wantagh Middle School and HVAC replacement in Wantagh High School main gymnasium, and any ancillary or related work required in connection with such projects; and to expend from the Reserve Fund therefor, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto, an amount not to exceed the estimated total cost of Three million thirty-six thousand ($3,036,000) Dollars.”


Any additional propositions will also be listed here.



The tax levy cap legislation continues to effect school district budgets, including the 2023-2024 school year (this proposed budget).

It is important to note that the cap is on the growth in the tax levy (the amount of taxes collected to run the district) and not a cap on tax rates or individual tax bills. Tax bills will fluctuate, up or down, in amounts that may exceed 2%.

The information presented here is designed to provide residents with the components of the actual calculation of the tax cap for Wantagh UFSD. Decreases to the calculated maximum tax levy amount have a direct impact on proposed budgeted expenditures, absent any additional revenue sources (e.g. state aid).

The tax levy cap also sets budget approval requirements. A proposed budget with a resulting tax levy at or below the cap requires only a simple majority for approval. A proposed budget that exceeds the cap requires a 60% majority of voter approval.

The following are reproduced with permission from Capital Region and Questar III BOCES:



Calculation of Wantagh UFSD Maximum Allowable Levy


Cálculo del gravamen máximo permitido de Wantagh UFSD en español




2023-2024 Comprehensive Budget


The links below are all the same version of the proposed budget with differing levels of detail. 


2023-2024 Budget with expenditure data

2023-2024 Budget by function

2023-2024 Budget -  3 Part Format

 The 3 Part format is required by NYS law and reports budgeted expenditures in 3 categories, namely administrative, program (instructional) and capital.


Documentos de gastos 2023-2024 en español




In accordance with NYS law, the following additional documents are required to be provided to district residents:



Otras publicaciones requeridas en español


School District Report Card Information

  • New York State Report Card-District 
  • New York State Report Card-Mandalay Elementary School
  • New York State Report Card-Forest Lake Elementary School
  • New York State Report Card-Wantagh Elementary School
  • New York State Report Card-Wantagh Middle School
  • New York State Report Card-Wantagh High School
  • Fiscal Accountability Supplement 


Boletas de Calificaciones y Suplemento Fiscal del Distrito Escolar en español


These reports, along with other data, are available directly from the NY State Education Department website. Click HERE for this information.