PTA Council Meetings Minutes

PTA Council Meeting 10/3/2018

Blood Drive 10/23 Marian Haberman spoke


Wantagh PTA Council FB

Flyers for blood drive each school will get tare off sheet. PTA Council will pick up flyers. Trying to get over 100

Christina Zanelotti 2nd VP

Volleyball funds for scholarships are not happening. We are doing a medium reading instead. (Robert Hanson)

Post on, Wantagh Patch

Will be at W.H.S Auditorium

Holds 700 ppl.

1 ½ show

Giving us 4 Tickets to raffle off also doing a 50/50

Flyers, tables, concessions, and microphones things we need.

Will charge $30 to $40 a head

Patty Anzalone Historian

FB closed group but within 24 hours 200 members

John McNamara

Spoke about 1st day of school

Teacher's lack of participation towards PTA

Report to principal or superintendent if teacher not responding.

Working Hard on contract

Need to make sure our district is financially sound for future.

Disappointed in picketing but they have a right.

Capital Vote reserve fund will be 10/23 in High School 7am-9pm. A fund that was created (7.5 million) for boilers in Middle School, 8 to 10 months to get approval

Forest Lake

Memberships, Miss Chocolate, Cookie Dough, Kids Stuff, Plant Sale, Yankee Candle, Car wash, Wantagh Wear, Comedy Night, Halloween party 10/26


Membership, Tiers silver and platinum, car wash, fall flowers, Charleston Wrap, school cart, recess committee, fall festival, Goosebumps (movie night), Halloween parade, assembly Music Techno.

Wantagh El

BBQ, movie night, car wash, comedy night, Miss Chocolate, Wantagh Wear, Freaky Friday 10/26, smokehouse, evening Book Fair, start with Hello program (Newtown School)


Membership online using credit cards, night games, Apparel using CC, picture day, Biggest Loser contest 8 weeks, College Fairs, Homecoming, Governors, Election Day Tavolo, Music Fair, November 7th next meeting.


Next meeting 10/16 Food Allergies 7:30 Middle School Library, Nov. 20th ADHD meeting meditation 7:30pm, IEP prep meeting 1/9.

PTA Council Meeting 1/14/2019

Psychic Night Fundraiser

Send weekly reminders, tickets are off to a start, could be cross-posted, and make push money for scholarships.

All Bylaws need to be submitted. Please send in ASAP if you have not already to council.

Lisa Giacometti 1st VP

Ticket available through eventbrite, sell tickets at concert nights.

Doors open at 6:15 general admission, refreshments.

Get tickets to Lisa as we collect them.

Danielle Fehrling -Wasnieski Treasurer

Waiting on paperwork about our overdue Taxes from IRS. Shutdown causing delays.

John McNamara

Technology updates for Middle school, Mandalay and then Forest Lake

Wireless system significant upgrade in High School

Well on our way with Budget, government allowance, Budget Proposal Forum starting in March, Board Meeting Thursday 1/17, Relay for Life last Sunday 3 hour event, winter walk.

Holiday Break Screenagers good turnout managing screen time.

Forest Lake

Yankee Candle, Holiday Fair, upcoming concert, 1/25 Bingo/ 1/12 Sweetheart Dance/ 3/30 Variety Show


Holiday Fair, School Cart is now Dolphin Cove, Dads night out, Holiday Dinner, 5 Below, Models, Amazon, Winter concert tomorrow, Nets game, Family Glow Bowling, Bingo 1/25/ Moms night out 2/7, winter festival (workshops ran by parents)

Wantagh El

Holiday Fair, 4th grade Native American Day, Moonlight Bowling (parents only), Cupcake Dance 2/1, Spring Festival Derby at Verdi's, Family Bingo


Relay for Life, Band-Aid 1/26, adult new fitness club after February Break, Midterm week next week, college info night.


2nd annual Pre-St. Paddy's Day Palette painting fundraiser Church of St. Jude 3/15 7-10pm, Mixed Bags fundraiser in spring, 3/26 Samantha Feinman from New Frontiers presenting on Post High School Transitions, 5/1 6-12,Bandwagon, Booster, SEPTA joint budget presentation meeting at HS, 6/19 Friends of SEPTA Awards meeting