The Wantagh Elementary Polar Express roared through the halls filled with students from the five kindergarten classes as the special passengers. All donned in their festive holiday pajamas, students excitedly lined up inside of their classrooms with their tickets strung around their necks awaiting their turn to scoot through the hallways towards their journey around the building.
Bursting into the hallway in organized fashion, students lined up ready to embark upon their journey. As the excitement gained steam, the energy was felt throughout the building as the older students remembered when they too were aboard the Polar Express as former kindergarten students anywhere from one to five years ago.
At the head of the Wantagh Elementary Polar Express were the musical sounds of an actual train piped through a portable speaker bringing the train to life. The students joyfully waved, smiled, and high-fived the older students and teachers as they passed each classroom. Every now and then the sound of a train whistle blown by one of the teachers would remind onlookers that the caboose was nearing.
Once the students arrived at their destination, Dr. Bonagura and Mrs. Ianuzzi greeted them with smiles punching each of their special tickets as the Wantagh Elementary Polar Express completed its trip for the year.